Sentry News

5 Tips to Being A Successful New Board Member

An association is a corporation, a non-profit business. As such, the actions and decisions of the Board should reflect the best interests of the membership as a whole. Board Members must leave personal agendas at the door and work each day to put the interests of the membership first. So what’s next?

  1. Get Connected: Gather contact information for the other Board Members and the Community Association Manager. If a member of the Board has served previously, ask questions to learn about his/her experience on the board. For information on financials, management services, processes, and more – reach out to your Community Manager.
  2. Read & become familiar with the governing documents: These documents are the basis for the association; they dictate restrictions, requirements, and procedures that help guide the Board. The Governing Documents include the Declaration, Articles, and Bylaws – and may also include Rules and Regulations and other articles which help govern your association.
  3. Read the minutes from the past year: The minutes of meetings act as a record of all actions taken by the Board. Become familiar with those actions so you understand where the Board has been – and can determine where it should go next when it comes to successful governance of your association.
  4. Start Planning: New members bring new ideas to the Board and the Association. Consider holding a round table session where each Board member presents ideas for the association and goals for the board. Prioritize the list and set both short-term and long-term goals.
  5. Register for the CommunityPro® Board Room: There is a special section of the association’s homeowner portal designed specifically for the Board. In the Board Room, members have access to minutes, contracts, real-time financials and board training materials. Already registered? Great! You will automatically gain access to the Board Room. Not registered yet? Go to and click on ‘My Account’ to get started.

Sentry Management is a community management leader serving homeowner associations, HOAs, and condominiums. We are agents for all community types including condos, townhomes, mid-rise and high-rise buildings, single-family homes, and large master-planned communities. Sentry has achieved Accredited Management Organization status for our high operating and financial standards. We are also accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating. Each office has deep expertise, professional processes and uses advanced technology to serve communities in the states of Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. View our full list of services here:


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