Sentry News - Local News

The Value of Conducting a Board Strategy Session

A strategy session is a great way to come together as a Board and have a dialogue over what each member deems critical to the success of the association, including values, issues and goals.  Once your ideas are set in place from a few great brainstorming sessions, your team can move on to creating a...

Sentry Management’s Brevard County Forms New Management Relationship

Sentry Management’s Brevard County Space Coast Division was fortunate to begin their newest management relationship with the Oceana Oceanfront Condominium Association in Satellite Beach, Florida. Our team is thrilled to work with one of the newest and premiere Oceanfront Condominium Developments on the Space Coast. The Association is composed of 108 Units located in 2...

Nashville Community Association Manager Receives Thank You Note

Lindsey F. a Sentry Management Community Manager at the Nashville office received a thank you message from a resident who had recently purchased a new home in the Westwind Townhome community association. The message read,”Thank you so much! It is reassuring to know there are so many kind and caring people in my corner to...

Working Together During a Disaster

How a board and its manager can effectively work through most anything. Storms, natural disasters, pandemics, there is no end to the number of issues that can arise and throw an association board into a bit of a panic. Planning for every contingency is an admirable undertaking, but hardly realistic. So, where does a board begin...

Charleston Staff Makes a Donation to a Local Family After House Fire

The Sentry Management Charleston staff nominated a local family from the Highland Park Property Owner’s Association to receive a donation through the Sentry Management Giving SMILES program. The staff then collected toys to donate to the family along with a Visa gift card.  The Giving SMILES program targets deserving residents living in communities managed by...

Traditions at Wekiva HOA Board President Spotlight

The Traditions at Wekiva HOA Board member, Erika W. has been nominated by her Community Manager for this quarter’s Board Member spotlight. Erika has served in varying positions on the board for 15 years and is currently serving as the Board President. The Traditions at Wekiva Community Manager, Jo Ann Donaldson said, “Erika is such...

Sentry Management Division Manager Holds Another Successful Blood Drive

Assistant Division Manager, Deanna Sims has organized another successful blood drive, this time at the Heathrow Masters Association in Heathrow, FL. The blood drive had so many community members sign up to donate blood, that One Blood had to turn away donations when they ran out of time. Another blood drive has been set up...

Developer Services

LEGAL Transition to Owner Control We have the resources, experience and expertise to usher you through the transition to owner control in accordance with your governing documents, and with maximum communication, cooperation and integrity throughout the process. DAY-TO-DAY Administrative Services Our office can work with you to ensure your governing documents are in order and...

Private Utilities Management

DAY-TO-DAY Administrative Services We manage the accounting and administrative functions for five private utilities and provide full support to the Boards of Directors and utility operators to keep the day-to-day operations of the systems moving forward. This includes overseeing the process of new meter hook-ups and replacements, calculating usage reports from meter readings, budgeting and...

HOA and Condo Association Management

STRICT PRINCIPLES Fiscal Management We have earned a reputation for integrity by adhering strictly to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). We work hard to ensure your billings are timely, your accounts are accurate, and your financial reports are a comprehensive record of the financial activities of your association. PRESERVING ASSETS Asset/Reserve Management We bring the...

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How to Choose a Management Company for Your Community

How to Choose a Management Company For Your Community

5 Tips to Being A Successful New Board Member

Sentry Management 2025 Top Workplaces

Sentry Management Named a 2025 National Top Workplace by USA Today

CommunityPro Portal

CommunityPro® is an easy way to make payments, access association documents, view account history, stay informed and more.