Local News News

Tara Laing Appointed as Cambridge Division President

Tara Laing, PCAM®, was recently appointed Division President of the Sentry Management Cambridge, MD, division following Todd Wawrzeniak’s promotion to Eastern Regional President. Tara has over 20 years of experience in the community management industry, bringing her talents to Sentry Management in 2022.

Before joining Sentry, Tara held executive positions within the industry, such as VP of Operations. She currently holds various certifications, including Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA®), Association Management Specialist (AMS®), and Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM®), and is a current active member of the area’s Community Associations Institute (CAI) chapter and the Delmarva Community Manager Association (DCMA). Her extensive industry experience, along with her leadership, operations, and client relations skills, have positioned her to successfully lead Sentry’s Cambridge division and staff.

Tara aims to expand Sentry’s presence on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware to include Ocean City, MD, and Sussex County, DE, and to work with the managers and support staff that she leads to develop paths for professional growth and continued education, training, and development. On her promotion to this new role, Tara states, “I am very excited!  We have a great team with knowledgeable managers and a strong desire to be the best of the best!  We are committed to being a professional partner with all our clients, whether they’ve been with us for many years or are just getting to know us.  I am confident that those associations who choose to work with Sentry Management on the Eastern Shore will receive the professional, timely, and courteous service we pride ourselves on!”

Sentry Management is a full-service community management company. Sentry’s business is the day-to-day operation of communities, homeowner associations, and condominiums. Sentry is accredited as an AMO® (Accredited Management Organization) by the Institute of Real Estate Management, providing the independent evaluation that Sentry has one of the highest operating and financial standards in the industry. Sentry operates in dozens of localities in Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin.


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